Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints among people of all ages, partly because so many issues can cause them. Stress, allergies, muscle tension, food sensitivities, sinus infections — even poor posture — can all lead to headaches.
Fortunately, most headaches are relatively mild and go away fairly quickly. But, migraines are different. Not only can the symptoms be debilitating, but these headaches can be difficult to relieve. And, they tend to recur, posing a chronic problem that can take a major toll on your health and life.
In recent years, ketamine infusion therapy has emerged as an effective treatment for patients suffering from chronic migraines. The team at Scottsdale Ketamine Clinic in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, provides cutting-edge therapy to help patients reduce the symptoms and frequency of their migraine headaches. Here’s how ketamine infusions could help you.
Why migraines happen
Researchers aren’t completely sure why migraines occur, but they do know that these headaches are more common in families. That suggests there’s a genetic component to migraines, although researchers haven’t identified the genes that might be involved.
Scientists used to believe migraines were related to blood vessel activity. However, today they think migraines involve unusual nerve activity in the brain, activity that can spur symptoms like sensitivity to light and sound, visual disturbances, and nausea.
There are different types of migraines, grouped mainly by the types of symptoms that occur. For instance, ocular migraines include migraines that involve vision changes, such as “wavy” vision or tunnel vision.
You’re considered a chronic migraine sufferer if you have them 15 days or more every month.
Ketamine infusion therapy for migraines
The traditional way of treating people with chronic migraines is to prescribe large doses of pain medicine to take on a regular basis. However, these medicines are often ineffective in providing meaningful relief. The good news is, ketamine infusions can often help, even when traditional treatments fail.
Ketamine works by increasing your body’s production of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that support communication between and among nerve fibers. Specifically, ketamine alters the way your nerve fibers react with each other, inhibiting the aberrant nerve activity that can lead to migraine symptoms.
During infusion therapy, an IV delivers measured doses of ketamine directly to your bloodstream. The dose you receive depends on a number of factors, such as your weight and symptoms. Infusions usually take under an hour.
You don’t have to let migraines rob you of your health, energy, and enjoyment of life. Ketamine infusion therapy may be able to help. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Scottsdale Ketamine Clinic today.